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聆听前沿资讯 聚焦尊龙凯时人生就是博动态







克日,山东尊龙凯时人生就是博与瑞士麦尔兹欧芬堡公司乐成签署石灰窑工程项目罗茨鼓风机装备采购条约,涉及风机数目12台套,为我公司拓展外洋风机市场迈出了坚实一步。麦尔兹欧芬堡公司是全球领先的生产高质量石灰和白云石的工程公司,拥有多项先进的石灰窑专利手艺,是石灰窑行业主流的并流蓄热式麦尔兹双膛石灰竖窑手艺发明者。其在全球50 多个国家设计和制作了数百座石灰窑,在国际石灰窑行业享有极高的声誉。此次条约的签署,使我公司生产的罗茨鼓风机乐成进入国际石灰窑行业,证实晰公司具备为国际一流的石灰窑工程公司提供完善的产品和效劳的能力,为公司国际化战略打下了坚持的基础。山东尊龙凯时人生就是博将以越发饱满的热情和越发高昂的斗志,以越发优质的产品和效劳加入石灰窑炉外洋项目的竞争,让我们的产品走向天下、效劳全球。
Recently, Shandong Zhangqiu Blower Co.,Ltd (SZB) and MAERZ OFENBAU AG (Switherland)  signed a Purchase Contract for 12 sets Roots Blower used in Lime Kiln project, is a firm step of SZB to expand the overseas lime kiln market.
MAERZ OFENBAU AG is the leading engineering company providing patented technology Lime Kiln used for producing high quality Lime and Dolomite. And is the inventor of MAERZ Lime Kiln (also called Co-Current Heat Accumulated Kiln with Double Shafts) that is popular used in Lime Kiln industry.
Hundreds units Lime Kilns have been established in more than 50 countries all over the world by MAERZ OFENBAU AG and were awarded high reputation in Lime Kiln industry.
The Roots blower produced by SZB access into global Lime Kiln industry successfully against this Purchase Contract and proved that SZB has the capability of providing perfect product and service for international top brand Lime Kiln EPC.
SZB will proceed in Global Strategy from this contract as a firm foundation and will participate in new projects competition in overseas Lime Kiln industry with more enthusiasm, higher morale and higher quality products &service to promote our products globally, service the world!